The company places high emphasis on continually improving its processes and products to exceed customers’ requirements.
Al Fayha Aluminium Factory L.L.C. adopts the principles of ‘Hands-On Management’ and builds a culture of continuous improvement within the organisation with the aim of:
- Identifying & eliminating all forms of wastes that do not add value to the client.
- Creating competitive advantage for the entire operation.
- Continually adding value to all processes and aspects of the company.
- Providing high quality products and services to ensure customer satisfaction.
- Delivering accurate, defect free products to clients on time and within budget.
As part of an ongoing process to achieve these objectives we have set standards for product quality assurance that include the following:
- Reduction of rejected products.
- Reduction in the number of customer complaints.
- Increasing the level of customer satisfaction.
Al Fayha Aluminium Factory L.L.C. is fully committed to ensuring the implementation and continual improvement of this quality management system. The Quality Policy is a live document, and is reviewed at regular Management Review meetings to ensure that proactive efforts are taken to improve our technology, processes, and service to clients.
AFAF takes pride in the quality it offers for each project it undertakes. Not only do we believe that high quality materials should be acquired from ISO certified suppliers or equivalent, but also the way materials are processed is of superior significance in this industry to keep the quality level at an incline. This is why all materials acquired for a project pass a rigorous inhouse testing prior to any orders being placed.
- The first check is when materials that have been previously approved arrive at the production plant. Each item is checked for its state (whether
or not it is suitable to be used) and as per the prearranged sample. - The second check is a continuous long-term process, whereby a vigilant use and supervision of materials being used at the manufacturing plant are conducted. All materials used are entered into a database for cost reference; maintaining schedules, production efficiency, and the effectiveness in maintaining quality.
- Third quality check is at the loading of materials to be sent to site. The quality supervisor checks all materials for quality surveying, quantity, and if any adjustments are required.
- The fourth and final check occurs at the site after the erection and installation of all aluminium works. The quality supervisor shall request any necessary adjustments if work and/or quality is not suitable.
These are just a few steps AFAF takes into creating a satisfying hassle-free service and a final product that is durable and sustainable for our customers.